Introduction to website

Welcome to my website! Let me show you around.

‘Candidacy’ is a brief written introduction to just that, something also outlined in the original leaflet Printer Freindly
(as well as on the Home Page) and the video presentation entitled ‘Statement’ is a reproduction of a talk
given on the 11th of November - Armistice Day - to both introduce my candidacy and make it relevant to the themes of this day,
with its relationship to building as well as keeping the peace. 
These had all been the focus of attention on Remembrance Sunday the previous day.

‘Rallying Cry’ is a brief call for the application of new approaches to contemporary problems, rather than the continued resorting to old ones no longer fit for the purpose.  Their unfitness for purpose is increasingly illustrated by the circumstances themselves and our inability to find the solutions required.

‘Musing on Manifestos’ is just that: a reference to some of the main points from the manifestos published 2 - 3 weeks
before the election and what they seemed to offer to the current situation together with how helpful or unhelpful that might be. 
Also why they are more, or only less, likely ever to be adopted.

‘Quotations plus Male and Female’ is the script for a recorded piece currently in production.
This begins with a selection of direct quotes from those who have spoken of the same needs as
I am doing from their perspective within Parliament - whether as MPs, journalists or other close observers. 
It then goes on to look at the masculine and feminine aspects of speaking and listening, both of which are essential for new life,
even if that new life is just in the realm of ideas, and looks briefly at the possible relationship of this to an election in Advent. 

The film version of this will also introduce the symbol for this aspect of the campaign - a tiny version of which forms the icon on which you click to access different parts of the web site. 

‘Question Time’ is a collection and commentary on quotations taken from that programme where panellists addressing the same issues as me have done so in ways both similar and dissimilar to myself. It is in each of these that the core of my message may lie.
This programme and its ‘sister’ programme ‘Any Questions’ on the radio, often provide a perfect example of how individual MPs can generate a lot of heat, as their views clash, as well as a lot of light, but with little or no suggestion that this maelstrom of opinions can actually lead to a solution.

For all its entertainment value, here is often a perfect illustration of the unmet need. 
A different approach might be less theatrical (and hence its passing lamented) but far more workmanlike in the way proceedings of the House,
and its various Committees, already are away from the glare of Prime Minister’s Questions.

Three types of Brexit (aka Brexit on its own terms) looks at the potential importance of distinguishing between the Economic, Political and Cultural links to Europe and how they may be linked in their won ways to Brexit issues.

The piece on the NHS looks at the possibility of identifying spending on the NHS more clearly as against the revenue income related to support it, to give us a clearer idea of where our 'consent' actually is in relation to this.

HS2 examines ways in which we might move towards a more publically backed endorsement of this project, or its rejection, on a basis which as yet seems not to have been applied.

Boris looks at how his role as prime agitator in the Brexit debate may have served his own ends better than ours and how this is now revealed by events.

Please e-mail me at the address on the website if you wish

In addition, this campaign will only be as effective as you make it by passing on its message. 
This can be to those outside the Constituency for its more general message in relationship to Brexit. 
The relevance of this message to this issue is covered a little more in ‘Three types of Brexit’ and also alluded to elsewhere,
especially in ‘Question Time’

There are possibly some tall buildings and some deep basements in some of the pieces I have written. 
I could have collapsed these into bungalows and in some places I have. 
But elsewhere I wanted to leave these buildings and basements as they are for the fuller exploration of the issues they seek to achieve. 
Feedback always welcome however.

Enjoy your walk around these buildings!