Richard Shaw | Brexit

NEWS FLASH item re Brexit

I have tried NOT to refer too specifically to Brexit, because a General Election should be about other things.
But this General Election is being used as a second referendum by another name.
This is an abuse of process and we should not stand for it.
That this is so is clear from the ‘get Brexit done’ slogan which has dominated the campaign.
This is a demonstration of how Boris Johnson uses his charm and political muscle for wrong ends,
further undermining the trust we can have in him.
He will do whatever it takes to get his own way - carrot and stick - and for these ends he will use,
rather than serve, the electorate.

Do we not see this happening now before our eyes?
Not everything gift wrapped is a gift!
In effectively having a second referendum via a general election,
BJ is not only being underhand; he is also practicing a sleight of hand.
He is using his likely advantage in the polls relating to all issues to achieve his ends with regards to this single one.
This issue should be dealt with as a single issue on its own terms.
I am not for or against a second referendum as such.
I am for honesty and proper process.
And we have still not had that in relation to Brexit and I am sorry but any non partisan view can only come to that conclusion.
We’re all being used here and we should express our view of being so treated in our response at the polls.
Labour should be calling this out much more.
For failing to do so they too should not succeed at the polls.
In how we vote we should now say what we need to say to all of them:
'See Brexit on it's own terms' for a more balanced view on this subject as a whole.

we are being used not served and you don’t deserve our vote.
