Richard Shaw


By so doing you would have been registering your approval of the message to all candidates ‘learn to work together better for all our sakes’.
As it was, there wasn’t time to do this and the name may anyway have been rejected as confusing. So I had to proceed as an independent candidate and in the time allowed and with the given gradient this was too much of an uphill struggle. I didn’t get many votes and yet I find the message is as relevant today as ever. On top of that, we now have a pandemic on our hands and a range of responses to that calling for our attention. So I have revised and updated the website to deal with all that.

Here you will find a variety of articles focussing on the different aspects of the situation in which we find ourelves, what social and moral responsibilty might mean here beyond the more singularly medical perspectives and what messages the recent local election results seem to be sending in terms of both the Tory successes and the low turnout. Also where ‘All of the Above’ might still stand in relation to all that.

There is also opportunity for you to leave comments (constructive please, as the other sort get us nowhere and are completely alien to where this web site aims to take us) and offer your stories in line with the concluding part of the article headed ‘The Pandemic’.

I hope you will find this useful. I am not an agitator but am interested in working with anyone to develop these ideas.

All of the articles on the website are avaialble from me as Word Documents on request.

Introdution to my website

Welcome to my website.

This was set up in 2019 in connection with my General Election campaign.
In some ways my approach to that election could best be summed up as an invitation to vote for ‘All of the Above’ not ‘None of the Above'.
If there had been time I would have set up a political party with this name to this effect. ‘All of the Above’ would then have appeared on the ballot paper as a Party whose candidate you could put your ‘X’ against without this being a wasted vote.


See the original 2019 video Statement introducing my ideas


Click here to directly access:

Ilkeston Life article June 2021

Responsibility and the vaccine

Putting it all Together